Alexandra Daddario's Sixties-Inspired Hairstyle and Makeup

by Jessica Davies (

Give this sixties-inspired hairstyle and makeup look a try.

Alexandra Daddario has some of the most spectacular blue eyes in Hollywood. With her porcelain skin, dark brown hair and those amazing eyes, she is one of those women who can look fantastic without a scrap of makeup on and her hair scraped back into a bun. Best known for her role in the Percy Jackson films, Alexandra exudes a charismatic and cool sense of style, and does give off a bit of the demi-goddess vibe in real life, just like her character Annabeth. Most of the time, she goes for long, loose waves in her hair and some dark makeup on the eyes to intensify them even more, but on this occasion she has chosen a striking, Sixties inspired hairstyle and makeup palette instead. If you love this hairstyle and makeup, you can get this look at home with the right styling tools and makeup products.

The Hairstyle:

This will work for anyone with straight hair, or anyone who can achieve straight hair through styling. Once you have blow-dried, flat-ironed and otherwise tamed your hair into its place, you are ready to style.

Note: For an extra sexy Sixties vibe, straighten your hair down to the ends. If you want your hair to have more of that beauty queen feel, then leave in some curls at the ends as Alexandra has done.

Next, it's time to pump up the volume. Use a fine-tooth comb at the roots of the hair to add volume all over, but concentrating it in the crown area. Once you have added as much height as possible on the top, sweep the top section back and secure it at the back of the head. To get the best results, measure out your section by creating a section that starts/ends just before the outer edge of your eyebrow. This gives you a nice full section that is neither too full nor too skimpy. For a little something extra, you can add a small twist at the back before you secure it.

To hold in all of that volume, you're going to need a strong hold hairspray. Try a cult classic like Elnett hairspray to make sure your new 'do withstands time and temperature!

The Makeup:

This is a simple but striking makeup style that lets your lips do all the talking. Start off by perfecting your base with a good foundation. For a real Sixties look, go for heavy coverage. If you want something more natural looking, go for a sheer foundation that will let your skin's natural dew shine through. Next, fill in your eyebrows to get that fabulous Sixties look, and add a thin line of black liquid liner if you simply can't go out with a nude eye. Of course, don't forget a nice coat of black mascara to bring out those lashes. For the coup d'état of this makeup look, bust out the matte orange-red lipstick for a stunning finish. Red really is the best shade for this look but if you hate wearing that particular shade, try a soft pink instead.

The Outfit:

This one is up to you! But an A-line dress with a bejewelled neckline like Alexandra's is the perfect choice to match this hairstyle and makeup.

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