Rachel Zoe Makeup

by Stacey Richardson (TheHairStyler.com)

Hollywood's most famous stylist, Rachel Zoe, has dressed all of the big celebs.

From Nicole Richie to Cameron Diaz, she is known as the top stylist in Tinseltown and possibly the world. Zoe is famous for creating the “boho chic” look: large sunglasses, oversized handbags, vintage clothing and (usually) blonde hair extensions parted down the middle. Rachel Zoe also follows this style of clothing, but what about her makeup? Let’s take a look at how this stylist du jour glams up:

Zoe is in her early forties now, but her very slim physique and tanned skin does add on the years in some instances. Here, she has opted for a smoky eye, followed by heavy bronzer on the face and a nude lipstick. Although the bronzer may be a bit much, this is overall a good look for Zoe. It brings out her bright hazel eyes and, having a thin upper lip, doesn’t draw too much attention to her mouth. Her hair also has nice body and volume going on.


In this image, Zoe has eased up on the bronzer so her skin has a more natural tone; however the dark lipstick and liquid eyeliner aren’t the best choices. Rachel has gorgeous amber eyes—those babies should be lit up with warm brown and cinnamon tones!


Here, Rachel goes for the super tanned skin and dark makeup combo, which only adds the years on to her face. If you have sun damaged skin, remember that less makeup is definitely more.


Here, Zoe gets it just right for a daytime look.  Her lips and eyes are defined softly without overpowering her face, and the bronzer is kept nicely in check!


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