Grow Up Paris & Lose Your Headband, Not

by Roger Dawkins (

Paris Hilton illustrates perfectly the versatility of headbands. Check out the examples below and tell us what you think.

Paris Hilton loves headbands and she proves how practical, stylish and cute they are. Some people wrongly criticise headbands as hair accessories for kids, but take a look of these pictures of Paris and you’ll soon understand how those headband critics are fools.

You can see that Paris likes to wear medium width headbands quite far back on her head. This is a great way to section her hair and draw attention to her bangs. A fabric headband can also be used to achieve a similar look, but some people with smaller heads may find that their headband slips off the back of their head.

If you’d like to try wearing a headband too there are a few other tips you may find helpful. Another way to wear a headband is to keep your hair slicked back (brush your hair then place the headband one or two inches from your hair line), but bear in mind that this style will highlight your facial features. If you’re going to wear plastic headbands try them on first to make sure they’re not too tight. Wide headbands are fashionable right now, but if you have a small head they won’t look so good.

Headbands are also a great option for prom hairstyles and weddings. In the image above Paris has coupled fabric headband with an updo for a more formal look. Her hair has been softly pinned up into curls and the silk headband adds shape around her face and a nice touch of glamour.

Paris has also been pictured wearing lots of other styles of headband, and her love of headbands makes her refreshingly inspirational. I’ve seen her wearing wide headbands with glitzy fabrics and big bows, skinny plain and sophisticated headbands, ultra narrow headbands with feather adornments, and intricately detailed headbands with lace and diamantes.

So to Paris Hilton, and anyone else for that matter, if somebody says “Grow up and lose your headband,” ignore them because headbands aren’t just for kids: they’re stylish, cute and versatile.

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