Kate Winslet's Classic Makeup Style

by Stacey Richardson (TheHairStyler.com)

We let you know how to copy Kate Winslet's classic makeup look!

With the re-release of the epic movie Titanic recently, there is no denying that vintage-inspired hair, makeup and clothing is going to be big in 2012. Even more so because Kate Winslet, the one and only “Rose”, was looking oh-so-elegant at the movie premiere in a sparkling jeweled dress and Old Hollywood hair and makeup. If you love this look and want to try it out for yourself, here’s how:

1. The first step to vintage glam makeup is a flawless base. Kate isn’t wearing any bronzer or blush and keeps her complexion looking clean and fresh with a really good foundation. If you love a bit of cheek color in your makeup, try to resist for this look because it’s all about the eyes and lips.

2. Kate has chosen a brown eye shadow that has been applied over the entire eyelid rather than just in the crease. Keep it soft and blend it well.

3. Most vintage makeup involves a cat’s eye style of eyeliner, but Kate has modernized her makeup with a minimal amount of eyeliner on the top lash lines only. If you want more drama, feel free to wing it out.

4. Finally, find a delicious shade of berry red lipstick like Kate’s and top it all off with a sparkling pair of diamond (or faux diamond) earrings!

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