We want you to have great lips because no one likes dried out old pruney lips. No one likes to look at them when you're talking to their owner and, heaven forbid, no one likes a set of scaly old stale mandarin lips planted- smacko- on top of their own.

Lisa Rinna hairstylesLisa Rinna knows the importance of healthy, chubby luscious lips. Maybe she's gone a bit far taking care of her lips- making them all oversized and excessively juicy like that- but heck at least they're not chapped and all dried out. I once saw someone who let their lips get so dry the skin around them actually started to dry out too and get all burnt looking and gross- like the leather trim in my 2002 Alfa 156.

To help you keep your lips healthy and lovely, here's a few simple tips. If you file them next to our advice about how to get luscious lips with staying power then you'll be well on your way to having smackingly good lips!

  • Lip balm really works. Your lips are very sensitive to the sun so get used to applying lip balm with a high SPF if you're going outside.
  • Stay away from the candy sweet lip balms and stick with products with essential nutrients and vitamins (check out some organic beauty products). Choose the anti-aging variety too.
  • Get yourself a lip mask and apply it once a week. It will exfoliate dead skin and it's good if your lips are getting a bit thin and old looking. Grab a lip mask at most good cosmetics counters.
  • If your lips are dry and chapped, spicy foods will make them worse. Let them heal and try some hydrating foods in the meantime; for example, berries, apple and celery.

Everyone knows they need a hair care routine for lovely healthy hair, but don't forget your skin care routine too. With the tips above luscious lips are easy!